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In conclusion, the development of Aesthetic Surgery technologies has undoubtedly changed the world by a large extent. People can now choose what they want to look like, and can change their appearance accordingly.

Knowledge has been applied to make a change, by helping people solve their problems, and overcome challenges that they might face in relation to their appearances, such as self-esteem or self-confidence issues. In this way, aesthetic surgery has also promoted human development to an extent, by maximizing the potential of such individuals.

However, like what we have learnt throughout the course, all technology is neutral, and is a “double-edged-sword”, and can be used for good and for bad purposes. Aesthetic surgery may be misused to an extent where it is pushed too far, and used for warped purposes. 



It is important to strike a balance in terms of how we use this technology. We are playing God by altering the way that we look, and judging by the future of aesthetic surgery, the possibilities are endless.

Key Takeaways

Disruptive Technology

Technology & Human Development

Technology is easy, people are hard

We are playing God

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